WTF just hit me?!?

So much for me trying to keep this wee blog of mine updated at least semi-regularly.

Since landing my publishing deal way back in July 2023, I can quite honestly say WTF? While my publisher, Storm, has done a fine job of baby-sitting me and guiding me through the various professional edit stages to actual, for-real, nae-kiddin’, publication, I vastly underestimated the impact this wee life event would have on me.

While I still have enough hours in most days to deal with writing and editing and self-marketing and soclial meedjaing and all the other nonsense that comes with becoming a – gulp – proper writerer, I’ve found my mental capacity has struggled. I promised myself I would write at least a few words into this blog thing most days, if only for the cathartic benefits, but the task seems to always slip down the back of my mental sofa, to be found, months later, covered in psychological lint and the dust of many emotional takeaways plastered to it. (Did I stretch that partocular metaphor a wee bit? I think I did.)

Anyway, with one book actually, for-real, nae-kiddin’, published, and a second on it’s way through the publishing machine and expected to emerge, blinking and whimpering, into the brilliant light of “out there” on 2nd May, and even a third book in the process of oozing from my diseased and troubled mind into my laptop and yet to fall under the brutal but transformational virtual red pen of my editor, the marvellous Kate Smith, I’ve come to realise one, fundamental and unavoidable truism – if one writes line after line of utterly purple and over-showy prose in a blog entry, one runs a serious risk of forgetting what the hell one was talking about.

Like the role model of my childhood, troubled and unfortunate genius Wil E Coyote. All I can do is keep chasing that pesky bird (I know, stretching the metaphor again).


Onwards and upwards, always.
